
Journaling Can Be Your Edge in Competition

April 1, 2016

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May 1, 2015

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Pageant: It’s time to move!

February 25, 2015

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Warm Heart and Thick Skin

February 18, 2015

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Stage Nerves

November 22, 2014

Throughout my 18 years of singing and performing I have felt stage nerves more than once. However, letting the nerves have a negative affect on my performance I only remember happening once. To me the most intense pressure for me to perform was not when I’m competing. I’ve competed in pageants for years, talent shows, […]

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10 Ways to Train for Interview in a Positive Way

January 10, 2014

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Titleholders Don’t Just Hold Titles

January 3, 2014

Titleholders don’t just hold titles – they hold hearts and change lives.   Yesterday I attended the Homecoming for Miss Texas, Kendall Morris, which was put on by her MPFO.  I had the honor of working with Kendall this year with her preparation for Miss Texas and have had the chance to get to know […]

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Finding Motivation

October 20, 2013

Sometimes the motivation to train is hard to find when there are so many other distractions.  Life has a way of throwing so much at you at one time. It seems the motivation to work out and eat right is especially challenging for many. So what should you do? Hmmm – my recommendation is to […]

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Self-Image Controls Performance

October 20, 2013

If you have read “With Winning in Mind” and/or listened to “Mental Toughness for Pageantry” then you know that the Self-Image and performance are equal. There are 3 mental processes that control performance: The Conscious Mind (your thoughts), the Subconscious Mind (your skills – how well you prepare) and the Self-Image (your belief in your […]

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What Every Pageant Contestant Should Know First About the Mental Game (audio)

October 4, 2013

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