Foundations Course

Foundations of Mental Management
Learn the foundation principles of Mental Management including Triad State Analysis and Performance under Pressure.
Price: $75.00
Price: $50.00

Lesson 1: Processes

  1. Who does 95% of the winning?
  2. 3 Major Factors
  3. Definition of Mental Management
  4. The Performance Model
  5. 3 Mental Processes
  6. Comfort Zone

Lesson 2: The Model

  1. Performance Model Explained
  2. Triad State
  3. Beginner
  4. Frustrated
  5. Unfocused
  6. Overconfident

Lesson 3: Principles

  1. Principle of the Picture
  2. Words Matter
  3. Importance of Positive Commands
  4. Principle of the Self-Image
  5. Principle of Reinforcement

Lesson 4: What the Winners Are Saying

  1. Talent Does Not Matter
  2. Giving 110% is a sure way to lose
  3. Losing takes more effort than winning
  4. Find out where the typical people are going

Lesson 5: Dealing With Pressure

  1. Recognize pressure is essential
  2. Think process, not outcome
  3. Stay positive & run the system
  4. The next step
  5. The fake yawn
  6. Trigger words

Lesson 6: Rehearsal and Recovery

  1. Mental practice
  2. Contingency planning
  3. Recovery strategy